Maggie Rogers

Maggie Rogers

RPL Fellow 2023-24
MRPL '22
Maggie Rogers, RPL Fellow 2023-24 and MRPL '22, Press Image by Nicole Mago
Maggie Rogers, RPL Fellow 2023-24 and MRPL '22 / Photo by Nicole Mago

Maggie Rogers, MRPL '22, is an award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, performer, and writer. For her Master of Religion and Public Life degree, Rogers focused her work on the spirituality of public gatherings and the ethics of power in pop culture.

From December 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024, Rogers will be joining RPL as a Religion and Public Life Fellow. She will spend this time expanding the writing and research of her MRPL degree, which explored the relationships of religion, spirituality, and pop culture from her vantage point as a performing artist. 

“I found that in my career, even though my training in life is as a musician, I was constantly put in this sort of non-traditional ministerial position where I was being asked for moral and spiritual guidance even though that wasn’t the job I signed up to do. In my time at HDS, I thought a lot about the ways in which we connect to each other through pop culture, how art can be an agent for peace, and what responsibility comes with holding that kind of power.”