RLPI Educational Opportunities

The Religious Literacy and the Professions Initiative (RLPI) offers professionals and Harvard students opportunities to explore how deep knowledge of religion can enhance work in secular-defined professions. Through its Certificate in Religion and Public Life, Harvard Divinity School students can prepare for careers across a range of professions that will allow them to advance the public understanding of religion in service of just peace. Through online courses offered through HarvardX, RLPI seeks to make available to professionals courses that can deepen understanding of religions’ impact on, and intersection with, a range of pressing issues. We are developing specialized professional development opportunities for those working in our target arenas of Government, Humanitarian Action, Journalism, Entertainment Media, and Organizing. Those working in Education are invited to connect with us to learn more about the professional development training in religious literacy for secondary school educators that we currently provide.  

High school classroom full of students and a teacher


Students develop skills to advance religious literacy with host organizations in their field.


Certificate in Religion and Public Life

Students learn how to apply deep knowledge of religion in their professional fields.

RPL fellow Mario Cader-Frech smiles from a Harvard chair.

Connect with RPL Fellows

Meet the dynamic community of professionals working to promote deeper understanding of religion in their fields in service of a just world at peace.