Frequently Asked Questions

Chinese in Myanmar

Precise numbers of Chinese living in Myanmar are difficult to come by; most sources give an estimate of 3% of the population, although such a figure does not necessarily take into account the large numbers of Chinese migrant workers living in Myanmar at any given time. The Chinese have been a presence in Myanmar for over a thousand years. After WWII, the Chinese took over many of the trading and retail jobs that were left when Indians departed the country.


Mya Than, “The Ethnic Chinese in Myanmar and their Identity,” in...

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Chinese in the Philippines, The

Thousands of Chinese immigrants arrived in the Spanish Philippines to profit from the Galleon Trade, by which goods passed between China and Mexico. Many Chinese assimilated into Filipino society, intermarrying with native Indios and others, as well as with Spaniards. Through success in trade, many acquired farmlands in the 18th and 19th centuries, becoming relatively wealthy, acquiring social status and, especially in the 19th and 20th centuries, growing political clout. One such wealthy family was the Cojuangcos, from which president ...

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The English version of a Greek translation (Χριστός) of the Hebrew “Messiah” or anointed one. Christians use the term as both a title, Christ Jesus, and a name, Jesus Christ to represent their belief that Jesus is the long awaited Messiah that Jews believe will be sent by God to act of their behalf. 

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Christianity in France

Christianity is the dominant religious faith in France making up between 65% and 88% of the population, represented primarily by Catholicism but with a long tradition of French Protestantism. However, a variety of other Christian traditions are present, albeit in small communities, including Anglicans, Orthodox Christians, Pentecostals, Mormons, and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

... Read more about Christianity in France

Christianity in Myanmar

Christians in Myanmar are estimated to make up around 8.2% of the population, roughly 5.5% Protestant, 1.3% Roman Catholic, and the remainder members of independent churches. Of these groups, about 2.5% identify as Evangelicals and 2.1% as Pentecostals. Many of Myanmar’s Karen, Kachin, Chin, Karenni, Lahu, and Naga are Christian.

Many of these ethnic minorities had long been in conflict with...

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Christianity in Qatar

Roughly 9.6% of Qatar’s population is Christian, the overwhelming majority of which are Filipino, Indian, and Lebanese noncitizen workers though may include some Qatari converts from Islam. Foreign missionary groups are not permitted to work in the country. Prior to the ongoing construction of Churches, Christians met in private homes and community centers for worship. Both the government and Christian leaders promote a need for discretion and friendly communication, and Christian symbols are not permitted on the exterior of church buildings.

Most Christians are Roman Catholic...

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Christianity in Somalia

There is a small Christian minority in Somalia of unknown size, which face persecution on the part of militant Islamist organizations such as al-Shabaab. Its members include Bantu as well as ethnic Somalis who have converted from Islam. Christians are not represented by the government and have no say in Somali politics.


Martin Hill,...

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